
کتاب High Performance Synthetic Fibers for Composites

کتاب High Performance Synthetic Fibers for Composites

High performance synthetic fibers are key components of composite materials–a class of materials vital for U.S. military technology and for the civilian economy. “High Performance Synthetic Fibers for Composites” addresses the major research and development opportunities for present and future structural composite applications and identifies steps that could be taken to accelerate the commercialization of this critical fiber technology in the United States.

The book stresses the need for redesigning university curricula to reflect the interdisciplinary nature of fiber science and technology. It also urges much greater government and industry cooperation in support of academic instruction and research and development in fiber-related disciplines.

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نام کتاب:

High Performance Synthetic Fibers for Composites

نام و شماره جلد:

Publication (National Research Council (U.S.)), No. 458


 National Research Council,‎ Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences,‎ National Materials Advisory Board,‎ Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems

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