
کتاب Composites Handbook

کتاب Composites Handbook

The global nature of today’s reinforced plastics industry creates a demand from all over the world, for basic background information. This sixteenth edition of the Composites Handbook provides an introduction to reinforced plastic in terms of basic chemistry, resins, reinforcements and application techniques. It also encompasses the major advances in material and process technologies which have occurred since the first edition was published in 1953.
The uniqueness of reinforced plastic lies in the fact that the material of construction and the end product are produced simultaneously, so quality control is a highly significant part of the process.
The general guidance, advice and technical data contained in this handbook is intended to help designers, moulders and end-users to realise the full potential of this unique material as a truly structural engineering plastic.

نام کتاب:

Composites Handbook

نام و شماره جلد:

 Sixteenth Edition


Scott Bader Company

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