کتاب Load Bearing Fibre Composites
“Load Bearing Fibre Composites” is a thoroughgoing revision and expansion of the earlier book, bringing it up to date. The older ideas are presented along with the contemporary research, and the experimental evidence is given in outline, and fully referenced. Where practical, illustrations are chosen from key works and the source reference is given in the subtitle as in the first edition.; As before, this book is directed toward upper-year university students and graduate students. Ideas that are highlighted include: how the interface governs the transfer of forces between the fibres and the polymer, or metal, or ceramic, which constitutes the other component of the material; how to design a good laminate; the effect of water and other fluids in reinforced polymers; and shear failure.
Organized into 12 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the fundamental ideas in the field of fiber reinforced composites. This text then provides data on their load-bearing capabilities. Other chapters consider a rough estimate of how strong a material could be and describe the two main sources of weakness in real materials. This book discusses as well the slender forms of material and describes the simple slip theory of reinforcement that gives the modulus and strength for aligned short-fiber composites. The final chapter deals with the versatile use of fiber reinforced materials, which can be designed for a specific application by suitable choice of components and volume fraction.
This book is a valuable resource for materials scientists, metallurgists, designers, engineers, and research workers.
منبع: amazon, Book Depository
نام کتاب:
Load Bearing Fibre Composites: International Series on the Strength and Fracture of Materials and Structures
Michael R. Piggott
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